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Magento 2 Speed Optimization Guide | Magento 2 Performance Optimization

This all-inclusive guide will cover all the crucial Magento 2 speed optimization steps and methods.

However, whenever the number of users increases on the platform expeditiously, a website speed begins to slow down.
And, a terrible website speed for users is no less than a heinous crime in the eyes of all search engines.

So, the key question arises here is how to speed up Magento 2 website and save your website rankings to go nose down in the search engine result page?

Magento 2 Speed Optimization Steps Let's Start

1 Optimize JavaScript Code and CSS
2 Image Optimization
3. Remove Unused Attributes and Unwanted Modules in Magento 2
4 Use Lazy Loading for Images
5 Enable Magento 2 Cache
6 Activate Varnish Cache Tool
7 Conduct Server Side Checkups
8 Enable Flat Catalog in Magento 2
9 Enable Gzip Compression
10 Fix Up .htaccess Caching Options
11 Induce Cacheable Blocks in Magento 2
12 Use CDN to Boost Up Content Delivery
13 Use HTTP/2 instead of HTTP/1
14 Activate Production Mode to Boost Magento 2 Speed
15 Configure Redis Cache
16 Clean up Unnecessary Database Logs
17 Analyze Page Performance with Magento Profiler
18 Enable HTML Minification 19 Optimize Your Magento 2 Store Theme and Media
20 Add Elastic Search to Boost Search Results

Visit for more Info: https://www.emizentech.com/blog/magento-2-speed-optimization-guide.html

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